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The Implementation of PeduliLindungi Apps QR Code Scan

Monday, October 4th 2021, the building management of Graha Kirana is implemented the PeduliLindungi Apps QR code scan for all tenant employees before they get into the building. Not only mandatory for employees, but also guests or visitors who will enter the building must scan this QR code.

The building management has putted boards of PeduliLindungi’s QR code at various building entry points, such as the two main lobbies, basement and VVIP entrances. “As of today, we fully affort conveniences and safety for all tenant employees at Graha Kirana through facility boards of PeduliLindungi’s QR code. We hope that in the future, the use of this application can provide benefits for all of us, specifically suppressing the growth rate of Covid-19 in offices,” said Firman Effendy as Building Management Manager Graha Kirana. Not only at Graha Kirana, the setting-up of QR code boards has also been implemented at Bella Terra Lifestyle Center Mall, Kirana Two, and Kirana Three.

Despite this was the first time to do in Graha Kirana, the employees felt that they unburdened, even it becomes a good effort from the building. “This morning, when I wanted to come in the building, the security asked me for scan the QR code. I personally feel more comfortable. Just open the apps, scan, and to go. It is a simple way!” explained Iman, one of the employees of one of tenants in Graha Kirana.

It should be noted that currently the government continues aggressively implement screening activity through PeduliLindungi apps. Obviously, this effort must be supported by the implementation of good health protocols as well.

As quoted from the www.pedulilindungi.co.id page, PeduliLindungi apps is an application developed by Indonesian to assist relevant government agencies through tracking in order to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). This apps encourages community participation to share location data while to go somewhere, so it can be carried out for contact history tracing with Covid-19 active person. The users also will get a notification if they directly in the middle of a crowd or a red zone, which is in an area or village that it has some people had Covid-19 confirmed or patients under surveillance.

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